
May 1 インクとAVS [モノ goods]

May 01, 2008 (Thursday) 

 モーリちゃんがインターネットのきせかえゲームのプリントアウトをたくさんしたので、カラーインクが急激に減っていることがわかってきました。それでモーリちゃんの父はインクカートリッジを買おうと思ってAmazonを調べたのですが、新品だと25ドルもしました。それで、Amazonのマーケットプレースだと送料がかかるし、検索で調べて、SwapInk という、50ドルを超えると送料無料になって、114.99ドルの店舗を発見。カートに5個積んでから、さてアカウントをつくろうとして、支払いがクレジットカードだけなのに気が付きました(まあ、まだどうしたらいいかわからない銀行のチェッキング・アカウントからの支払いよりはクレジットのほうが慣れているはずなのですが)。アメックスとVISAとマスターカードがあり、マスターで試すと、billing addresssending addressが違うはず、と注意が出ました(めんどくさいのでbilling addressの記入は “if different” とあったのでそのままにしたのでした)。それで日本の住所を書いて再度試すと、「エラーがある」、と出ます。住所の番地の表記を変えてみたり、電話番号を変えてみたりしてもだめです。郵便番号をつなげたり、はずしたりして、何度か試したところで “The transaction resulted in an AVS mismatch.  The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder.” と出ました。ある店舗の説明を引用すると、AVS mismatchの見出しで billing address についてこんなふうに注意しています。Your billing address is the address the bank issuing your credit card has on file for you. Make sure you give us the correct billing address to avoid delays in processing your order.  The billing address is verified through the Address Verification System (AVS) with   You are welcome and encouraged to use your billing address as your shipping address to prevent order delays.AVS (Address Verification System) というのは、アメリカの住所確認システムで、Zip codeをチェックするわけですが、アメリカ以外の国の住所については識別不能ではねられてしまうようです。対面だったらば、説明して納得してもらうとかできるのでしょうが、機械ではしかたがありません。それでもVISAでもやってみよう、という気になって書き入れたところ、一発で注文が認めらてThank you 画面に変わったので逆にあわててしまいました。MasterVisaで違っているのでしょうか。それとも店の設定なのでしょうか。 興味が湧いたので、Authorize.netの顧客(店舗)向けの説明(FAQ)の当該箇所を読んでみました。 

 How do I use the Address Verification Service (AVS)? What settings should I configure?
The Address Verification Service (AVS) filter is a standard feature of the payment gateway that compares the billing address provided by a customer for a credit card transaction with the billing address on file for the cardholder at the credit card issuing bank. The issuing bank returns a code to the payment gateway indicating the results of the match. For example, the AVS code “A” indicates that the street address matched, but the first five digits of the ZIP code did not.

The AVS filter settings in the Merchant Interface allow you to specify when a transaction should be rejected based on the results of the AVS match. The following result codes are possible:
AAddress (street) matches, ZIP code does not
BAddress information not provided for AVS check
EAVS error
GNon-U.S. card issuing bank
NNo match on address (street) or ZIP code
PAVS not applicable for this transaction
RRetry – System unavailable or timed out
SService not supported by issuer
UAddress information is unavailable
W9 digit ZIP code matches, address (street) does not
YAddress (street) and 5 digit ZIP code match
Z5 digit ZIP matches, Address (Street) does not
Note: AVS responses B, E, G, N, R, S, U are the default payment gateway AVS transaction rejection settings, meaning that when these codes are returned, transactions are automatically rejected by the payment gateway. These default settings can be modified in the Merchant Interface.

To configure transaction rejection settings based on the AVS response code:
  1. Log into the Merchant Interface
  2. Select Settings under Account in the main menu on the left
  3. Click Address Verification Service in the Security Settings section
  4. Click to select the check box(es) next to the AVS codes for which the payment gateway should reject transactions
  5. Click Submit
Transactions are processed against rejection criteria immediately.

Note: In order to use the AVS filter, you must require the billing address and ZIP code when collecting payment information from your customers. Please communicate these requirements to your Web developer.

Tips for Using AVS:
  • AVS code N (neither the street address nor the ZIP code matches) is the most fundamental AVS check. If you implement only one AVS rejection setting, this should be it.
  • If N is deselected, then the following settings should also be deselected: B, E, G, R, S, U. These responses mean that the address could not be verified by the card issuer. If you are not rejecting transactions when there is a legitimate AVS mismatch (N), then it is unnecessary to reject transactions that could not be verified with the issuer.
  • To avoid errors when accepting gift credit cards (stored-value cards with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express logo), you will need to disable the U filter setting. For this type of transaction, the actual customer’s billing address often is not associated with the gift card, or does not exist on file at the issuing bank.
  • Not all AVS checks from banks outside the United States will return G (the credit card issuing bank is of non-U.S. origin, and does not support AVS checks). Therefore, this is not an absolutely effective method for limiting transactions to the U.S.
  • Code Y (the street address and the first 5 digits of the ZIP code match perfectly) is the desired responses in most cases. This setting should never be selected for rejection.

The AVS filter is designed to provide a basic level of protection from suspicious transactions. However, the AVS filter is not intended for use as an absolute protection nor is it intended for use in all processing scenarios as there are many reasons why an address and ZIP code may not match. You are not required to reject a transaction due to an AVS mismatch, but it is recommended that you enable some level of address verification. For a more comprehensive approach to fraud prevention, we recommend enabling the Authorize.Net Fraud Detection Suite (FDS) along with AVS.


 そして、実際、うまくいったとこの日思っていたのに、問題があったことがじきにわかったのでした。 ⇒ May 2 長い一日(1)へ

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