
September 21 エルセリート図書館の古本市(で買った本) (Books Bought) at Book Sale at El Cerrito Library [本・読み物 reading books]

September 21, 2008 (Sunday)

    アルバニーのPeet's コーヒー(まずくはないらしいが入ったことはない)の前に並んでいる新聞の箱 ("newspaper box" と呼んでまちがいでないらしい)の一番サンパブロ通り寄りの箱に無料の新聞 The Berkeley Daily Planet が入っていて、紙は週刊で木曜日に出て、数日するとなくなってしまうので、週の後半にエル・セリート・プラザに買物に出かけたときはもらって帰るようにしています。それで、前の記事で書いたように、"Community Calendar" にエルセリートの図書館のブックフェアが載っているのを見つけました。――

Friends of the El Cerrito Library Books Sale from noon to 4 p.m. at El Cerrito Library, 6510 Stockton Ave., El Cerrito.  526-7512


これは、さっき調べたら、Daily Planet WEB版にも載っていました("Community Calendar. Catagory: East Bay Events Calendar from The Berkeley Daily Planet - Thursday September 18, 2008")。 ベタで文字が並んでいるので単調なのが難点ですが、検索もかけられるだろうし、便利なことです。

   で、シカモア・バザーと八百屋さん前の古本市をのぞいたあと、八百屋さんより少し南のStockton Avenue を東へ2ブロックほど歩いたところにあるEl Cerrito Library に初めて行ってきました。 電車のバートの高架の手前です。






  Lexington Avenue を少し越えた右(南)側です。画面左上から右下へ、黄色いサンパブロ通りに平行に濃いネズミ色の線が走っていますが、それがBART です。線上に "Ohlone Greenway" "Ohlone Trail" と繰り返し描かれているのは、高架の下の散歩&自転車の遊歩道のことです。Ohlone というのは昔このへんに住んでいたインディアンの部族の名前です。 ついでながら、10566 San Pablo Avenue の八百屋さんマーケットはStockton の北(上)の Waldo Avenue と Moeser Lane のあいだのMoeser Ln 寄りにあるJay Vee Center という小さなモール (strip mall というのかしら)の中にありあります。

    "Library" と道に標識のある建物と看板が見えてきました。ElCerritoLibrary.jpg






写真がボケているのは肖像権保護のためではなく、自動にするのを忘れていたからです。あんまりなので、ネット上で探しました(春のBook Sale と独立記念日のBook Sale ですが、同じ場所、同じ建物、そして同じご婦人たち(図書館の "Friends")が写っています(うるうる)――

"friendselcerritolibrary's photostream"

   ああ、このflickrは Friends of the El Cerrito Library 自身がupload しているのですね。でもよく見たら、春のセールは正面の図書館内も使っているようですが、今回は地下のBasement みたいなところにたくさん本がありました。ElCerritoLibrary_BookSale_b.jpg

  頭もボケているので、正確には覚えていませんが、外ではオーディオと児童書と歴史と各国語とミステリーとSFと小説とかが置いてあり、屋内にはカリフォルニア関係、文学、伝記、ユーモア、料理、美術、哲学・思想、オカルト、詩、collectible 〔といってもたいしたものではなくて19世紀末から20世紀初めにかけての古書・・・・・・50と書いてあるので50ドルかと思ったら50セントでした〕、などなど。

  地下でだいぶ抱えて、でも地上でも買おうと思っていた本が数冊あったので、地下の入口の会計で、いったん〆ようと思ったのを急に考え直して、「外で会計してもいいですか」と言ったのですが、たくさん本を抱えていたのを見て、「バッグはいらない?」と老婦人に訊かれました。 ううむ。ひまわり会と同じだわ。信用なのね。で、まだ買ってないのをバッグに入れるとまぎわらしくないですかとか下品なことを言うのはやめて、ただ、だいじょうぶです、と答えました。

  外では、自分がさっき来たときにはいなかったサングラスの若いお兄さんとお姉さんが、会計してくれました。「これはいくらだと思う?」と兄さんのほうが姉さんに訊きつつ、さらに横からおばあさんが、その本はいい本よ、とか口をはさみつつ、値段をチェックしたのですが、そのかん姉さんのほうは手にした計算機に数字を入れません。だいじょうぶなんか、と思ったら、30セントが1冊、50セントが9冊、80セントが1冊、2.50ドルが1冊、と読みあげた。ああ、なるほど、だいたいは同じ金額だから山に分けていたのね。計8.10ドル。今日は半額セールで4.05ドル。1ドル札が3枚しかなかったのですが、25セント玉4つと5セント玉1つを添えてお姉さんに渡した。 "4 quarters."  "Perfect!" (小学生かよw) 兄さんに「袋いる?」と訊かれる。いりまんがな、そりゃあ。そして Natural Grocery Company (10367 San Pablo Ave., El Cerrito: www. のきれいなブラウンバッグに入れてもらえました。「よかったらフレンズになる気はない?」 「は?」 と差し出されたのは白い封筒で、なんかお金の額が書いてあります。しげしげと眺めたあと「あー、ははは。どうも~。さんきゅ~。ぴゅ~っ」と いちおう受け取って帰りました。

  バスを待ちながら、よく見てみると、図書館友の会の年会費 (Friends of the El Cerrito Library Basic Annual Dues)――個人$10、学生・熟年(students, senior (65 or over))$5、家族$15、サポーター$50、その他donation、Total of all ――とか書いてあって、 "Your contributions are tax deductible: THANK YOU / Funds collected augment the library budget, and sponsor children's programs." と記されていました。そうだよな。商売で本売っているんじゃないんだものな。毎月第2火曜日の午後4時に Board meeting を開いているようです。





☆National Geographic Society.  Trails West [Special Publications Series 14, no. 2].  Washington: National Geographic Society, 1979.  207pp.  Hardcover 4to - over 9¾" x 12" tall.  ISBN: 0870442724  〔80セントを半額の40¢で購入〕

We Americans have a long-standing love affair with the trails that led our westering ancestors toward the sunset.  We have read about them in hundreds of books since Francis Parkman's The Oregon Trail appeared in the 1840's; we have glorified them in such classic films as The Covered Wagon; we have elevated television series like "Wagon Train" to the highest ratings.  "Highways of conquest," we dubbed them, as we linked those rude tracks to the migrations that won the continent.  (Foreword 5)

☆Owen Wister.  The Virginian: A Horseman of the Plains  With an Introduction by Struthers Burt and Illustrations by William Moyers.  New York: Heritage Press, 1951. 437pp.  Hardcover in slipcase 9-5/8" x 6-3/4".   OCLC: 3491448   〔2.5ドルを半額の$1.25で購入〕

The Far West―the cattle country―with its space and beauty and emphasis on individualism and personal responsibility, together with the life of the well-run ranch with its curious but harmonious mixture of feudalism and fierce independence, has always been the refuge of the young Tory-Liberal wealthy enough and restless enough to leave the more crowded East.  The Far West has been largely settled by landless men, seeking land or some other natural resource, and by young Tory-Liberals uneasy in the position where God has placed them: one reason why the Far West has always been one of the most cosmopolitan sections of the country, and a political and social puzzle to those who do not understand it.  With Owen Wister it was a case of love at first sight.  He did not settle in the Far West although, much later on when he was approaching fifty, he bought a ranch in the Jackson Hole Country of Wyoming which he occupied for a couple of summers before selling it.  (Introduction vii)

☆Berkeley Pop Culture Project.  The Whole Pop Catalog.  New York: Avon Books, 1991.  608pp.  Original Pap.  9¾" x 12" (28cm).  ISBN:  0859651932    〔50セントを半額の25¢で購入〕

     North American Indians raised popcorn, and it may have appeared at the Pilgrim's Thanksgiving table.  Americans munch on 56 quarts per person every year; sales topped one billion dollars last year.
     Why does corn pop?  Moisture inside the kernel vaporizes from the heat, but can't escape because of the kernel's hard shell.  The pressure builds until the corn explodes.
     Flavoured popcorns are an alarming trend, with varieties like caramel, nacho, sour cream 'n' onion, watermelon, even hot pepper.  (Popping Culture 498)

☆Clara Svendsen and Frans Lasson, ed.  The Life and Destiny of Isak Dinesen.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1970; rpt. 1976.  231pp.  Pap.  9¾" x 12" (26cm).   ISBN:0226469166 : 9780226469164   〔50セントを半額の25¢で購入〕

We must leave our mark on life while wehave it in our power, lest it should close up, when we leave it, without a trace. ―Karen Blixen

☆Thomas Pynchon.  Slow Learner.  New York: Bantam, 1984.  202pp.  ISBN: 0553249622   〔50セントを半額の25¢で購入〕

This was in early February of '57 and back then there were alot of American expatriates around Washington D.C., who would talk, every time they met you, about how someday they were going to go over to Europe for real but right now it seemed they were working for the government.  Everyone saw a fine irony in this.  ("Entropy" 66)

Emily Dickinson.  [Laurel Poetry Series: Richard Wilbur, general editor]  Ed. John Malcolm Brinnin.  New York: Dell, 1960.  160pp.  OCLC:21988099    〔30セントを半額の15¢で購入〕

This is my letter to the world,
     That never wrote to me,―
The simple news that Nature told,
     With tender majesty.

Her message is commited
     To hands I cannot see;
For love of her, sweet countrymen,
     Judge tenderly of me!  
                                               (no. 31)

Dorothy and Carl J. Schneider.  American Women in the Progressive Era, 1900-1920.  1993. Rpt. New York: Anchor-Doubleday, 1994.  276pp.  Pap.  ISBN: 0385472838

Start with the women.  In 1900, the 37 million women of the United States shared no common life-style.//American women lived in dramatically different areas.  Ten and a half million of them crowded into the urbanized and industrialized Northeast.  Five million inhabited a largely rural and agricultural South Atlantic area still tragically struggling with its division between whites and blacks.  The greatest number, 13 million, spread across the farmlands, small towns, and great cities of the North Central area.  Another 7 million dwelled in the enormous spaces of the South Central regions, from Kentucky and Tennessee to Texas and the Indian Territories.  And a scant 2 million populated the Far West.  Across the huge reaches of North American continent, all these women throughout the Progressive Era, 1900-20, invented or accepted their lives in ways as different as the regions they inhabited. (1-2)

Justine Picarde.  If the Spirit Moves You: Life and Love after Death.   New York: Riverhead Books, 2002.  259pp.  ISBN: 1573222119

Jesus is dead and so is my sister, and I'm running on a treadmill at the gym, watching MTV with no sound on.  If my sister were still alive, she would be thirty-six in ten days' time.  But Ruth died when she was thirty-three, the same age as Jesus.  Obviously, I know she wasn't nearly as famous as Jesus was at the age of thirty-three―I'm not that crazy, nor inclined to blasphemy under normal circumstancesbut Ruth is a little bit famous, because after she was diagnosed with terminal breast cander, I asked her to write a column for the Observer magazine, which I was editing at the time.  The magazine was called Life, and her column about death came on the final page.  She only wrote a handful before she died, but many thousands of readers responded to her pieces, which were late collected (along with emails and letters) in a book called Before I Say Goodbye.  (1)

First Edition Reproduction of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Tales by Washington Irving.   Cheyenne, Wyo.: Fleetwood, 1974.  120pp.  ISBN:0913376035 9780913376034

"That there is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures, provided we will but take a joke as we find it:
     "That, therefore, he that runs races with goblin troopers, is likely to have rough riding of it:
     "Ergo, for a country schoolmaster to be refused the hand of a Dutch heiress, is a certain step to high preferment in the state.  ("The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" 119)

Ron Padgett, ed.  The Teachers and Writers Handbook of Poetic Forms.  New York: Teachers & Writers Collaborative,  1987.  Pap.  224pp.  ISBN: 0915924234 

Some acrostics have the vertical word at the end of the lines, or in the middle.  The double acrostic has two such vertical arrangements (either first and middle letters or first and last letters), the triple acrostic has all three (first letters, middle, and last).  Here is what might be called a run-on double acrostic, with the last letter of each line capitalized only to make the example clearer:
Many times I
Yelled across the cosmoS
Not knowing to whoM
And/or what everlasting top bananA
Men had sought in faR
("Acrostic" 5)

Yoshiko Uchida.  The Sea of Gold and Other Tales from Japan.  Illustrated by Marianne Yamaguchi.  1965.  Rpt. Berkeley: Creative Arts Book, 1988.  137pp.  Pap.  ISBN: 0887390560

On a small island, where almost every able-bodied man was a fisherman, there once lived a young man named Hikoichi.  He was gentle and kind, but he was not very bright, and there was no one on the whole island who was willing to teach him how to become a fisherman.

Isaac Bashevis Singer.  The Séance and Other Stories.  Trans. Roger H. Klein et al.  New York: Farrar, 1968.  276pp.  OCLC:43008251

It was during the summer of 1946, in the living room of Mrs. Kopitzky on Central Park West.  A single red bulb burned behind a shade adorned with one of Mrs. Kopitzky's automatic drawings―circles with eyes, flowers with mouths, goblets with fingers.  The walls were all hung with Lotte Kopitzky's paintings, which she did in a state of trance and at the direction of her control―Bhaghavar Krishna, a Hindu sage supposed to have lived in the fourth century.  ("Séance" 3)

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